Friday, June 26, 2015

21 CFR 11.10(c): Protection of Records

There must be procedures in place to ensure that data in FDA regulated computer systems is retained throughout the required lifetime of the data.

Text of 21 CFR 11.10(c)

Persons who use closed systems to create, modify, maintain, or transmit electronic records shall employ procedures and controls designed to ensure the authenticity, integrity, and, when appropriate, the confidentiality of electronic records, and to ensure that the signer cannot readily repudiate the signed record as not genuine. Such procedures and controls shall include the following:
11.10(c) Protection of records to enable their accurate and ready retrieval throughout the records retention period.

Data stored within computer systems should be protected throughout the full record retention period. During this period, electronic records should be able to be accessed or retrieved within a reasonable period of time. Organizations need to plan for such common contingencies as hard drive or server failure.


Create, implement, and follow procedures of Data Backup and Recovery, Data Archiving, and Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity.

If you need more information or assistance with training on protection of records, assessing your systems or writing SOPs on protection of records, please contact us to arrange consultation services.

Compare this requirement with Annex 11 Section 7., Data Storage, Section 16., Business Continuity, and Section 17., Archiving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long must data be protected?
A: It depends on the type of data. One of the central points of 21 CFR 11 is that electronic records must be treated identically to paper records; therefore, electronic records must be retained for the same length of time as paper. For example, most clinical data must be retained for at least two years beyond the final disposition of the research drug. Most manufacturing records must be retained for up to seven years beyond the expiration of the manufactured product. Organizations that use computer systems must be prepared to retain their electronic data for years into the future.

Q: What is the distinction between Data Backup, Data Recovery, Data Archiving, and Disaster Recovery?
A: Data backup is the process of ensuring that computer system data is routinely saved to a secondary location. Data recovery is the process of restoring a file from this backup file location to general use. Data archiving the the process of removing older or less utilized data from a computer system in order to improve system performance. Disaster recovery is the process of recreating a computer system in the event of a serious system failure.

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